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€ 89,70
EAN-13: 9789042951853
Dupont A.
Sancti viri, ut audio
Edizione:Peeters, 2023
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 89,70

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€ 78,20
EAN-13: 9789042950252
Pollefeyt D.
From Interreligious Learning to Interworldview Education
Edizione:Peeters, 2023
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 78,20

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€ 149,50
EAN-13: 9789042950481
Ibita M.M.S.
Kindness, Courage, and Integrity in Biblical Texts and in the Politics of Biblical Interpretation
Edizione:Peeters, 2023
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 149,50

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€ 143,75
EAN-13: 9789042950238
van Erp S.
Theos and Polis
Edizione:Peeters, 2023
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 143,75

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€ 97,75
EAN-13: 9789042950504
Brito E.
Dans l'Esprit Saint
Edizione:Peeters, 2023
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 97,75

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€ 166,75
EAN-13: 9789042948761
de Jonge H.J.
The Gospels and their Receptions
Edizione:Peeters, 2022
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 166,75

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€ 106,95
EAN-13: 9789042949447
Verheyden J.
On Using Sources in Graeco-Roman, Jewish and Early Christian Literature
Edizione:Peeters, 2022
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 106,95

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€ 86,25
EAN-13: 9789042949386
Skira J.Z.
The Catholic Church and its Orthodox Sister Churches Twenty-Five Years after Balamand
Edizione:Peeters, 2022
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 86,25

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€ 92,00
EAN-13: 9789042949973
Verheyden J.
Reaching for Perfection
Edizione:Peeters, 2022
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 92,00

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€ 224,25
EAN-13: 9789042946231
Mies F.
Job ou sortir de la cendre
Edizione:Peeters, 2022
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 224,25

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€ 212,75
EAN-13: 9789042950214
van Henten J.W.
The Books of the Maccabees
Edizione:Peeters, 2022
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 212,75

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€ 112,70
EAN-13: 9789042945227
Korten C.
Edizione:Peeters, 2021
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 112,70
DescrizioneThe history of the Irish College in Rome between 1771 and 1826 offers an insider’s view of more than just the College itself; it sheds important light on the effects of the suppression of the Jesuits in 1773 and the suppression of the Church more generally during the French period (1796-1814). Using the Irish College as a prism, this work reveals how troubling, how long, and how deep-rooted the effects of these fateful events were on the Church. For a half-century, the College felt the theological, financial, and administrative anomalies which followed Dominus ac Redemptor, the papal bull of suppression. The men at the centre of the Jesuit plot were also those who took up roles at institutions like the Irish College, following the order’s demise. What is less understood is that the efforts to topple these men and their agendas produced another wave of deleterious effects during the pontificates of Pius VI (r. 1775-1799) and Pius VII (r. 1800-1821). Thus, the lies, or half-truths, which were necessary to effect the Jesuit suppression, were adopted by subsequent administrations, initially to further this agenda under Clement XVI (r. 1769-1774) and later to overturn it, producing a weak Church and ineffective member institutions, such as the Irish College.

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€ 111,55
EAN-13: 9789042946064
Declerck L.
Vatican II: concile de transition et de renouveau
Edizione:Peeters, 2021
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 111,55
DescrizioneLa contribution des évêques et théologiens belges au Concile Vatican II a été largement mise en lumière en 2005 lors d’un colloque scientifique (cf. D. Donnelly et al. [éds], The Belgian Contribution to the Second Vatican Council: International Research Conference at Mechelen, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve (September 12-16, 2005) [BETL, 216], Leuven – Paris – Dudley, MA, Peeters, 2008). Il en résulte que le Pontificio Collegio Belga a été l’un des «laboratoires» de plusieurs textes conciliaires, non seulement de Lumen gentium, mais aussi de Dei Verbum et de Gaudium et spes. Leo Declerck, auteur de ce volume, était pendant ces années vice-recteur du Collège belge et adjoint du recteur Mgr A. Prignon qui a exercé une grande influence auprès du cardinal Suenens et des autres évêques belges. Déjà à l’époque, Leo Declerck a gardé (et classé) pour les archives de Prignon une copie des documents (correspondances, projets de textes) produits ou polycopiés au Collège belge et que Prignon lui avait confiés, une partie de ceux-ci provenant des papiers Suenens. Quarante ans plus tard, il a entamé le classement et l’édition des inventaires des archives de plusieurs protagonistes du concile: Suenens, Charue, De Smedt, Heuschen, Philips, Willebrands, Heylen, Lanne. La découverte de documents inédits fut à l’origine de la publication d’un certain nombre d’articles qui concernent des acteurs belges et de la mise sous les projecteurs de quelques péripéties moins connues mais cruciales de l’histoire conciliaire et postconciliaire (notamment la réponse des évêques belges au Questionnaire du cardinal Ottaviani en 1966, et la réaction du cardinal Suenens et de l’épiscopat belge à l’encyclique Humanae vitae en 1968). Le recueil des articles comprend des textes concernant d’abord le cardinal Suenens (membre de la Commission de coordination et un des quatre modérateurs du concile), puis Mgr Charue (2ème vice-président de la Commission doctrinale), Mgr De Smedt (qui a joué un rôle majeur dans le texte Dignitatis humanae sur la liberté religieuse mais aussi dans Nostra aetate sur les religions non chrétiennes), Mgr Heuschen (dont l’aide, surtout dans l’expensio modorum de Lumen gentium, fut indispensable sans négliger le rôle qu’il a joué dans le chapitre De Matrimonio de Gaudium et spes), Mgr Prignon enfin (dont l’influence discrète auprès du cardinal Suenens a souvent été déterminante). Il va sans dire que l’auteur, étant actuellement un des rares survivants de Vatican II, a pu pimenter ses textes par quelques souvenirs personnels et vécus. À bon droit, le professeur Étienne Fouilloux observe dans sa Préface que: «Par-delà l’intérêt spécifique de chacun de ces extraits, leur rassemblement prouve que Leo Declerck n’est pas seulement l’archiviste indispensable de l’événement Vatican II vu de Belgique, mais un historien à part entière de l’Église catholique en Concile, dont il est aujourd’hui l’un des plus fins et des plus scrupuleux connaisseurs».

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€ 92,00
EAN-13: 9789042945814
Arenas S.
Fading Frontiers?
Edizione:Peeters, 2021
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 92,00
DescrizioneOne aspect of the ecclesiological renewal at Vatican II that has not received much scholarly attention so far is the doctrine of the “elements of the church” (elementa ecclesiae), previously unheard of in Roman Catholic magisterial documents. This book offers an original and comprehensive study of this notion and how it became part of the official teaching of the Roman Catholic church. Using a historical-theological approach, the author studies the origins and evolution of the concept of the “elements of the church” and gives a nuanced understanding of this doctrine as outlined in Lumen gentium § 8 and Unitatis redintegratio § 3. In this way, the author offers a renewed insight into the evolution of the position of the Roman Catholic church “in oecumenicis” during and in the aftermath of Vatican II. The development sketched in the book is characterized by a double perspective. On the one hand, there is the debate about the frontiers of the church that focuses on the relationship between the Roman Catholic church and the church of Christ. On the other hand, and closely related to the first aspect, there is the issue of the recognition of “ecclesial” elements in non-Catholic Christian communities. Both threads are closely interwoven and it is important to understand the relationship if one wants to do justice to the doctrinal balance and complexity of Vatican II’s ecumenical ecclesiology. Taking these two aspects together, one should readily acknowledge the shift that typifies Roman Catholic ecclesiology from a juridical approach to the question of defining the Roman Catholic church’s frontiers over against the outside world – and a fortiori over against other Christian denominations – towards a sacramental approach to Roman Catholic ecclesiology in which the notions of sacramentality and mystery are foundational. Along with this new approach came a renewed attention for a Christ-centred ecclesiology and a recognition of the activity and work of the Spirit outside the Roman Catholic church. All of these aspects are touched upon in this book. The author has studied original documentation in a number of archives. The book thus offers a detailed reconstruction of textual evolutions and highlights the role played by Catholic and non-Catholic theologians who have helped shape contemporary ecclesiological thought. It gives us insight into the complex background history of the elementa ecclesiae and shows how it continues to inspire post-conciliar ecclesiological and ecumenical discussions.

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€ 165,60
EAN-13: 9789042944756
Heereman N.S.
"Behold King Solomon on the Day of his Wedding"
Edizione:Peeters, 2021
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 165,60
DescrizioneThe Song of Songs is a theological work in its literal sense. For centuries this was recognized by the overwhelming majority of its readers. Yet, in the argument of this study the Song is neither an allegory of divine-human love, nor a mere human love song. Rather, by adopting a symbolic language, the Song is able to express the realities of divine love in and through human love, thereby giving full expression to both dimensions. In order to substantiate and advance this view, this study introduces a new hermeneutical refinement into the discussion, giving careful consideration to different orders of textual meaning (i.e. “metaphor”, “allegory”, and “symbol”) in order to better understand what precisely we mean in speaking of the sensus literalis. The success of this symbolic approach owes much to its diachronic method. In particular, it is able to assimilate a redactional analysis of the Song’s composition in which the personage of Solomon plays a remarkable and increasingly significant role (i.e. “Solomonic Redaction”). This prominence of Israel’s legendary king is plotted within an identifiable ancient Near Eastern royal ideology marked by an unmistakably religious orientation. This ideology in turn opens the door to a phenomenology of the kingship symbol by which certain aporias are resolved and the poetics of the text recover their full force.

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€ 184,00
EAN-13: 9789042946897
Lieu J.
Peter in the Early Church
Edizione:Peeters, 2021
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 184,00

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€ 79,35
EAN-13: 9789042941144
Beuken W.A.M.
From Servant of YHWH to Being Considerate of the Wretched
Edizione:Peeters, 2020
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 79,35
DescrizioneThis study attempts an investigation of Psalms 35–41 in the Masoretic tradition from two viewpoints and in the wake of current research on the Psalter. Firstly, the common opinion that they form a sub-unit of their own within the structure of the first ‘book’ of the Psalter (Psalms 3–41) is verified on the basis of their concatenation and pragmatics. The deepened insight leads to the conclusion that the bundle consists of two clusters, Psalms 35–37 and Psalms 38–41, each of which deals with the question of how to understand God’s tolerance towards the wicked, and how readers, following in the psalmist’s footsteps, might live on with that knowledge. The two clusters also provide evidence of an advancing argument in two parallel moves that are covered by the book’s main title: ‘From Servant of YHWH to Being Considerate of the Wretched’. Secondly, the Davidisation of the psalmist throughout the whole bundle is examined, not insofar as it is limited to explicit references to the historical David (especially in psalm headings), but also by feasible, lexical (Hebrew) analogies with the vita David in 1-2 Samuel (with 1 Kings 2). In this way, intertextuality is envisaged as a literary process that is initiated by the author and can be continued by well-informed readers. The monograph’s subtitle renders this as ‘The Figure David in the Reading Perspective of Psalms 35–41 MT’.

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€ 103,50
EAN-13: 9789042943483
Apintiliesei C.C.
La structure ontologique-communionnelle de la personne
Edizione:Peeters, 2020
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 103,50
DescrizioneAu regard des débats actuels polarisés autour du concept de «personne», notre objectif a été d’explorer l’approche du théologien orthodoxe Dumitru Stăniloae relativement à la personne dans son versant anthropologique. À cet effet, le présent travail a repéré et révélé d’une part les éléments qui édifient sa réflexion de la personne, à savoir les composantes de la personnéité humaine, et d’autre part, les sources à la fois théologiques et philosophiques ayant inspiré et influencé de manière déterminante notre auteur. Expression d’une jonction de la théologie patristique orientale (byzantine) et de la pensée moderne, la personne comporte ainsi, chez Stăniloae, une structure ontologique-communionnelle, dont le pôle ontologique plonge ses racines dans l’héritage des Pères et le pôle relationnel ou communionnel, dans les avancées de la réflexion moderne: associée à l’hypostase des anciens, la personne se définit comme mode de subsistance ou d’existence réelle de l’être, tandis qu’assimilée au sujet et au moi modernes, elle se présente comme facteur conscient et libre en relation d’amour avec autrui. Représentée donc comme subsistance en soi et existence en communion, la personne manifeste, chez notre auteur, l’aboutissement de toute une série de confluences: du passé et du présent, de l’Orient et de l’Occident, de la théologie et de la philosophie, de l’orthodoxie et d’autres confessions chrétiennes. Cette thèse doctorale a été recompensée en 2019 avec le Prix de la Société des amis des universités de l'Académie de Strasbourg.

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€ 106,95
EAN-13: 9789042943032
Bourgine B.
Le souci de toutes les églises
Edizione:Peeters, 2020
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 106,95
Descrizione«Fatigues et peine, veilles souvent; faim et soif, jeûne souvent; froid et dénuement; sans compter tout le reste, ma préoccupation quotidienne, le souci de toutes les Églises» (2 Co 11,27-28). L’apôtre Paul a montré avec quelle obstination il convenait de poursuivre le bien de l’Église – de toutes les Églises, qui font vibrer par leur diversité la gloire du Dieu unique, à l’instar des variantes de la cathédrale de Rouen où Monet saisit l’infinie variété des couleurs que distille sur les pierres chatoyantes le soleil de Normandie. «Le souci de toutes les Églises» constitue le fil rouge des contributions présentées dans ce volume d’hommage offert au professeur Joseph Famerée à l’occasion de son éméritat. Une première partie traite de l’œcuménisme sous l’angle d’un regard rétrospectif et d’une vision prospective. La communion espérée entre les Églises ne relève pas d’une volonté d’uniformité entre les cultures et les traditions qui ont su accueillir l’Évangile. Elle se recommande du témoignage dû au Dieu Un – le Dieu d’amour, impatient de rassembler dans l’unité ses enfants dispersés. Cheminant dans l’opacité des mémoires, par-delà la pesanteur des institutions, le désir de faire prévaloir la communion sur l’acrimonie des divisions ne peut se dispenser d’un long travail d’histoire et de théologie. Une deuxième partie aborde les questions ecclésiologiques les plus actuelles: la requête de synodalité et de conciliarité, qui se fait jour tant dans l’Église catholique que dans l’Église orthodoxe; la réforme du ministère pétrinien, que recommande le bien suprême de la communion; la conception du ministère dans l’Église, où «il n’y a plus ni Juif, ni Grec; il n’y a plus ni esclave, ni homme libre; il n’y a plus l’homme et la femme; car tous, vous n’êtes qu’un en Jésus-Christ» (Ga 3,28). La troisième partie envisage la trajectoire et l’influence d’un théologien de l’unité qui a puissamment contribué au ralliement tardif de l’Église catholique à la tâche œcuménique: Yves Congar (1904-1995) – il convenait, en effet, d’évoquer l’œuvre majeure du dominicain français, auteur de prédilection du professeur Joseph Famerée. En guise d’ouverture, après une réflexion sur le poids de la culture dans le développement des sociétés africaines, l’ultime contribution invite la théologie à tourner son regard vers les vastes cieux que l’astronomie offre à sa contemplation émerveillée, non sans lui assigner de nouvelles tâches.

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€ 97,75
EAN-13: 9789042940000
Koch I.
Writing, Rewriting, and Overwriting in the Books of Deuteronomy and the Former Prophets
Edizione:Peeters, 2019
Collana:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 97,75
DescrizioneCynthia Edenburg is one of the leading experts of the formation of the books covering Deuteronomy and the Former Prophets, commonly called “the Deuteronomistic History”. She has renewed scholarly understanding of the process how the narrative and legal traditions that are gathered in these books were written down for the first time before they were edited in several ways by the Deuteronomistic redactors. She provided new insight into these redactional processes by distinguishing several ways of revising a text. Most of the contributions gathered in this volume pursue the question of the composition and revision of the books of Deuteronomy and the Former Prophets. Additional contributions deal with the history of the text of other books, from Genesis to Chronicles. They are all presented to Cynthia Edenburg as an appreciation of her influence on current scholarship.

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